Body Purifier

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This incredible product helps restore your body to a youthful state of vitality, energy, and purity! This potent blend helps to cleanse your body of exposure to environmental chemicals and food additives. It helps purify the blood stream, cleanse the lymphatic system, and relieve congestion and mucus. The Body Purifier may also be used to strengthen the immune system when it becomes compromised.



- Helps to clear up mucus and congestion

- Purifies the blood stream

- Cleanses the lymphatic system

- Fights bacteria, virus, yeast, mold, and worms

- Cleanses the body of environmental chemicals and harmful food additives


Suggested Use: Take 2-3 capsules twice daily.



Burdock Seed

Dandelion Root

Echinacea Purpurea

Ginger Root

Golden Seal Root

Oregon Grape Root

Red Clover Tops

Sarsaparilla Root

Yellowdock Root


Size: 90 count


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